It was the Summer Solstice ay 22.43 last night so we are now fully in the powerful Solstice energy which will last until midday on Monday.  It is especially powerful this evening so, even if you celebrated the Solstice yesterday, you could ride its waves today to move you into a wonderful new space.

Everyone can benefit from this deeper understanding of the solstice and equinox days and you can learn why we recognise and celebrate these special days with nature and just how powerful they can be. It is beautifully explained in The Perelandra Garden Workbook by Machaelle Wright . Thank you Panosun for this link.

As Machaelle Wright explains:

“The release of life vitality that triggers each stage of the equinox/solstice cycle happens with or without human awareness or attention. It’s part of earth’s natural rhythms. But we … can choose to actively participate with nature at these special times. Nature … is powerful beyond belief and humans are powerful beyond belief. But when nature and humans act together, that combined power is intensified a hundredfold. . . . This is another one of those times where a small gesture on our part can do a lot for the moment.”

This year the Solstice energy is especially powerful and can help us move into a much brighter life of health, happiness and fulfilment. You can do this by following the three steps below:
For each one in turn, go inwards and focus on the essentials involved, ask to receive the healing that I am transmitting to help you progress and wait until that stage is complete before proceeding to the next one.

  1. Give thanks for all the wonderful things in your life and the people you love and who are important to you. You may have had a difficult time in the last few months or even years but take time to consider all the good things in your life and be grateful for each one.
  2.  Imagine passing through a portal or doorway where you let go of your conditioned human patterns of feeling that life must involve suffering, despair and difficulty. Take time to consider the patterns that you need to let go before you pass through the portal. Then imagine passing into a light, bright future and new way of being of wonder and joy where, by being aligned to the greater purpose, you will naturally and easily thrive.
  3.  In this new space you have the opportunity to transform the old you into a healthy, thriving, joyous being. Take time to consider the new patterns to welcome into your life. Focus on all the aspects of yourself that you can transform and how this will change your life. Come back into this space every day for a while to know and feel these changes.

Wishing you all Love, Light and Wondrous Transformation,
