Jay’s Story

Jay Cubitt
Kinesiologist and Healer
In 1982 I returned from living in America and was stricken by M.E. This meant that for some time I could not get out of bed except to crawl to the bathroom on all fours. As I got a little better I had to decide whether to get washed or dressed each day. It would take me most of the day to do each of these in short bursts resting every few minutes and the day wasn’t long enough to do both.
I used to see books entitled ‘How to live with M.E.’ and I would respond “I don’t want to live with it; I want to get rid of it and enjoy a normal life”. I did not want to live on the edge of life with various coping mechanisms. I could feel the real me inside and I wanted to be true to that person and enjoy full self-expression. Therefore everything in me was shouting that it could be healed and that I was going to find a way to do that.
I was previously an engineering science graduate working in aircraft design, and a Systems Analyst (and later became a consultant course writer, author and a lecturer in Technology and Maths for higher education until 2003). Doctors did not have any means of helping me then so my scientific background and determination led me to examine all sorts of other therapies. I studied different types of Kinesiology and other healing modalities and together with my structured and scientific approach this helped me to create Spectrum Healing.
Originally the Spectrum Healing therapy and courses was similar to other kinesiologies that use verbal questioning. Then at the millennium everything went quantum. I was able to get into a pure quantum space to accomplish beneficial changes more easily and effectively. Gradually over the next few years the therapy and teaching changed to this new powerful way of working.
I have continued to use Spectrum healing for my own health for the last 20 years and it has helped me to recognise and clear the factors that were holding me back, made me appreciate every aspect of my life and helped me become healthy, happy and fulfilled and enjoy each day to the full.
At first I thought that I was just physically unwell and tried to find answers to my physical problems. Sometimes all that was needed was to support the functioning of my body’s systems. This involved nutritional support, clearing putrefactive material from the gut, supporting the cleansing and detoxification mechanisms of the body and replenishing the good bacteria in the gut that had been decimated by a 2 year course of antibiotics when I was in my early 20s.
Then I found that the healing was getting me to look at the emotional situations in my life that had never been fully resolved and as I healed these my physical health improved. Eventually I was led to examine the harmful daily thoughts that ran through my head and the limiting beliefs that I had learnt as I grew up. These were things like: ‘Little girls should be seen and not heard’, ‘There is a family problem of TB, asthma, weak constitution so you are bound to be poorly too’ and as a child was expected to do things that pleased her parents and made them feel good. I had lost my sense of self and so I got M.E. I needed to find Me again.
The healing journey eventually took me to my inner spiritual patterns and convictions and as I cleared these I felt myself shine brighter and brighter. Not only did my physical health improve but every aspect of my life too. If I now have something that is not working as well as it should in my life, I sit down do the healing on myself, wait for everything to work through and hey presto – it’s like magic. The blockages are cleared and life improves again.
Now, at a time when I should be retiring, I am busier and fitter than I have ever been, enjoying all my new opportunities and wanting to spread the word that everyone can live like this too. Try Spectrum Healing yourself, either as a client or do some courses and see just how easy it is to improve your health and well-being.
Jay’s Qualifications
It is important to know that anyone you go to for help is appropriately qualified. Jay is a Kinesiology Federation Registered Professional (KFRP) and has continued professional training and personal development for more than 20 years. Some of her qualifications are:
- BSc(Hons) Eng Sc, Warwick University
- Qualified teacher and lecturer
- Balanced Health 1-5
- Professional Kinesiology Diploma from Classical Kinesiology Institute comprising:
- Classical Kinesiology
- Anatomy & physiology
- Nutrition
- Counselling skills
- Practice Management
- Advanced Kinesiology
- Advanced Classical Kinesiology
- Clinical medicine for Kinesiologists
- Alternative clinical medicine for Kinesiologists
- Advanced Classical Kinesiology Update
- Health Kinesiology 1-5 Practitioner Training
- Advanced Health Kinesiology, Intrusive Energy, Infections
- Life-Work Potential Kinesiology Courses, Introduction to Biochemistry, Practice Management
- Restoring Eyesight
- Personal Ascension Training
- Metabolics: Introduction to Biochemistry
- International Kinesiology Conferences attended and papers published and presented in 1997 and 2005