Other Therapists
Below is a listing of therapists. They all are practitioners of Spectrum Healing. They may use crystals, flower essences, sound, colour and other remedies to help you during the session. Some of them offer other therapies as well. Please contact them for more details.
Name | Location | Also offers | Contact |
Jay Cubitt | East Midlands but distance no object | Nutrition | 01509 559141 0775 776 9168 www.spectrum-healing.co.uk www.tiptop4life.co.uk |
Emma Kennedy | Leicester | Sound Therapy Massage |
07816 077771 healingsoundmassage@gmail.com |
Katrina Turnbull | Malvern | Optometry | katrinaturnbull@hotmail.com |
Geraldine Megginson | Sale M33 | Feng Shui Psychotherapy & Counselling Aqua Detox |
07971 255772 gmegginson@aol.com |
Christine Fowler | Newcastle-upon-Tyne | Reiki, Bowen, Vortex Healing | 0191 2847 615 christinefowler@yahoo.co.uk |
Helena Hitchin, Liberty Healing | Hilton, Derbyshire | mindfulness coaching Hopi Ear Therapy Nutrition Analysis www.gateway2health.co.uk | 07555 087901 www.libertyhealing.co.uk |