Family Health
At all stages of family life, Spectrum Healing is there to guide and advise you.
Pregnancy and Childbirth
In preparing for Pregnancy, it is worth taking about a year to get both you and your partner in good health. This will mean that you will be full of energy and able to enjoy the baby when he or she arrives. It also means that mum will be able to support their glandular and other physical systems in good health if she has got hers working well before she gets pregnant.
Try the Lifestyle Analysis (link to ) and see how fit and well you are. Save the results and Jay can help you decide what you could do to prepare for pregnancy and childbirth.
Because of the wide use of antibiotics since the 1970s, many mums and therefore their children can be born with an imbalance in their gut flora which means that their digestion and immune system can be affected. Breastfeeding can improve the baby’s flora but if the mum’s gut balance is also compromised they may need extra help. There are probiotics that you can take while pregnant, breastfeeding, for infants or while you are taking antibiotics so that thrush doesn’t ensue.
A newborn baby exhibits reflex movements that enable it to be born, walk, crawl, talk and eventually function with a high level of motor skills, coordination and nervous system communication. These reflexes are known as neonatal reflexes, primitive and postural reflexes or infant reflexes. These reflexes eventually help us to run, develop ball skills, good sensory perception of sight, hearing etc, be comfortable and at ease in our environment, have good spatial awareness, coordination that helps understanding, reading etc as well as motor skills and to drive a car.
If the reflexes don’t emerge at the right time, are too weak, too strong or do not integrate properly, then problems can ensue. In autistic children we can see that the reflexes are not integrated as they startle easily, have sensory overload if more than one sense is stimulated at once and parts of the body move involuntarily. Many postural and educational difficulties have been linked with these reflexes but there also seem to be links to the endocrine system and more general symptoms. Jay and some other Spectrum Healing therapists also have effective methods of helping to integrate the infant reflexes.
If your child experiences bedwetting, sleepless nights, nightmares, feeling sick, no appetite or being easily upset, these may be the result of the stress of a difficult birth or other infant experiences and can all be relieved. Jay and other Spectrum Healing therapists have experiences of children with these types of problems.
As your children grow they may have need help with improving their immune system, coordination, concentration or verbal, writing or numeracy skills. There may be difficulties at school, home or in the community. These problems can generally be resolved.
As a family you should be able to enjoy good health, healthy attitudes and family life, having fun and enjoying your time together.
If you need help with any of these or any other aspect of family life CONTACT Spectrum Healing.