Spiritual Development

KinesiologyMore and more people are being called to follow their own personal spiritual journey of growth and development. Jay has been on her own journey for over 20 years and has discovered the choices and challenges that you are likely to meet at the different stages of your spiritual journey. She has experienced the situations that you will be encountering and can guide you through so that it is easier to understand the messages that you are receiving and to respond appropriately to them. By clearing the blocks and resistance to growth Jay can help you to navigate the easiest path for you. These courses will help you understand the challenges and rewards at each stage of your own spiritual journey and enable your personal and spiritual growth.

These courses are called Joyful Ascension and are only available to people who have completed the first six stages of Spectrum Healing as the healing methods that you learn in these courses are vital to your ongoing journey. These Ascension courses are aimed to help the growth and expansion of those who are on a spiritual path and to enable it to be a happy and joyful experience. The resulting growth and higher vibration will then allow your healing to become easier and more effective.

The separate workshops are completed at anywhere from 2 to 7 month intervals, depending on the needs of each group. It uses new techniques as well as those taught in the Spectrum Healing courses to help you release deep patterns easily and permanently.

After completing the Spectrum Healing Foundation Course, anyone who wishes to continue can carry on with the Ascension courses and I arrange the Ascension courses according to the needs of each group.

If you would like more explanation of the Ascension courses, please download a file here.


What People say about Spiritual Development Training

I always knew there was a so much more to me than was obvious. It has been great to investigate these subtle areas and begin to understand myself better. Thank you for the insight that you have given me.
E Johnstone
E Johnstone
Dear Jay
Hello there. Just a little note to say how much I am appreciating Spectrum Healing and everything that goes with it. I know it’s an individual journey but it just feels amazing to be part of such a close group with such a special link.

I know I was searching for a long time but this last 6 months particularly have been quite amazing for me – lots of changes and revelation, and with Spectrum I’ve just been feeling more that everything is working out.
Emma Kennedy

Emma Kennedy
Hi Jay
Things have settled down now since the ascension weekend so I thought I would send you a line to say thank you. I seem to have taken some huge benefits from it. I loved the whole thing and I thought we all worked well together. I can hardly believe that spiritual growth can be so easy and such fun, and yet, when I think about it, it seems obvious.
I have been experiencing deep love and joy and peace within, which is very gratifying, and the more I attend to these qualities and appreciate them the stronger they get. I continue with all the spiritual practices that have become part of my everyday routine and have been using the self testing to clarify things. I don’t really know what to expect next but my intuition is telling me to keep this high roll moving.

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