Tomorrow morning at 04.53 we enter the time known as Mayday.  The old Beltane festival on May 1st celebrates love and beauty, the beginning of summer and our connection to nature.  In our 1 hour’s exercise a day or in tending our gardens, many people have found a stronger connection to nature than they previously had and also found that nature supports and uplifts us when we connect with it.

A wonderful dahlia in my garden last year

A wonderful dahlia in my garden last year

The Mayday energy this weekend also gives us the chance to explore how extremes affect us and our relationship with life and the people around us and to make happier choices if we need to. We are certainly in an extreme time at moment and we can draw on the wonderful energy available to us at this time of year to release the old thinking and behaviours that are holding us back or making our life more difficult and less joyous than it could be.

Let us prune away the old internal patterns that we no longer need and celebrate new growth, vision and creativity in our life so that, when the world eventually returns to a new ‘normal’, it can embrace the visionary choices that we have made.

Today’s Healing

Sit quietly in a nice space, focus on your breath and do a few cycles, gradually slowing your breathing. Then tune in and ask to receive today’s healing to help you release old unhelpful patterns and regenerate and restore in the most beautiful, loving and healthy way that you can. It is another slightly longer one today. Stay still for a few minutes and then return to your day.


The 30 minute singing bowl meditation that Emma did earlier in the week will help to reinforce everything that we have been healing this week.

Wishing you Love and Light,