One-day personal development courses to help you to ‘Empower yourself and create the life that you want’.
>> Empower Yourself
>> Empower Yourself
Spectrum Healing courses help you understand the patterns that lead to unhappiness and dis-ease and how to heal them in an easy and effective way. There is ongoing free nutritional training with the Spectrum healing courses.
>> Spectrum Healing Courses
>> Spectrum Healing Courses
These courses will help you understand the challenges and rewards at each stage of your own spiritual journey and enable your personal and spiritual growth.
>> Spiritual Development
>> Spiritual Development
Spectrum Healing is a unique and powerful form of Kinesiology (pronounced kin-easy-ology) which uses muscle testing to access the life experiences stored in your subconscious. Muscle testing allows you and your body to direct the treatment in a safe and effective way for you.
Try Spectrum Healing if you want to improve your Physical health or fitness, emotional well-being, thoughts or beliefs that are holding you back and personal or spiritual development. If you don’t live near a practitioner there are still ways that we can help you.
Every day we encounter situations that can cause stress, trauma, lack of confidence or fear and this can throw us off-balance. Spectrum Healing seeks to help you to release stress, trauma, fears and the causes of illness and to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes.